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From the SideTrip picture series.

Real special thanks to Kevin Weber ( who generated the books and the cover texture that made this scene so much more detailed, bigger, and incredibly fun to work with. Kevin was responsible for creating a books-on-bookshelf generator and not only that created the fantastic fully procedural book cover generator that I can't let go of.

Ornament details referenced from an awesome free vector pack Alvaro Cabrera / Freepik, and Jonas Ronnegard who created a fantastic Zbrush ornament pack that I totally fell in love with the first shot I saw it.

And thanks to everyone who threw me critiques while I developed the scene over the last 2 months.

I used the following programs: Modo10.2, Zbrush, FilterForge, Photoshop, ClipStudio Paint. Kevin was responsible for the Houdini part.

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion

Wireframe in Modo. Note that all the books are replicated (instance) objects as well as the bookshelves.

Wireframe in Modo. Note that all the books are replicated (instance) objects as well as the bookshelves.

Chandelier made for this particular scene. This was mostly speed modeled so the details may be rough but were intended for a far away object.

Chandelier made for this particular scene. This was mostly speed modeled so the details may be rough but were intended for a far away object.

Procedural book cover generating filter. Credits to Kevin Weber who really took the time to develop a texture generating component used extensively in the image. I'm responsible for making it shader-compatible by adding height information and coloring.

Procedural book cover generating filter. Credits to Kevin Weber who really took the time to develop a texture generating component used extensively in the image. I'm responsible for making it shader-compatible by adding height information and coloring.

Credits: Kevin Weber (

Credits: Kevin Weber (